What You Need to Know About COBRA

COBRA which is shorthand for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act offers workers the opportunity to be paying premiums for the group health assurance and hence retain it so that they do not end up losing in case their works hours are reduced, they lose their jobs or quit their jobs.
It’s a federal law which needs employers having 20 or more works who provide health care benefits to give the choice of perusing this coverage to their workers who would otherwise be deprived their benefits because of reduction in hours, termination of employment or certain other occurrences.
Benefits That Are Covered
The following kinds of plans generally require to be provided to workers when COBRA is activated:
- Health care pans
- Alcohol and drug abuse plans
- Prescription drug plans
- Mental health plans
- Dental plans
- Vision plans
Some of the Events that Trigger COBRA
- An employee’s involuntary or voluntary termination of employment, expect for gross misconduct
2. An employee’s depletion in hours of paid work
3. A worker’s entitlement to Medicare
4. A worker’s death
Pros Associated With COBRA Insurance Coverage
#1:You Will Not Have to Look for a New Health Cover
Having COBRA insurance coverage means you will not require looking for another health cover which can be hard to find if you have critical medical requirements.
#2: The Factors Defining COBRA Insurance Coverage Never Change
The procedure involved in filling claims, utilizing your insurance, or the other health insurance regulations do not change.
#3: Assurance of Coverage When the Need Arises
If you are having a pre-existing health situation, you do not require worrying since you will not be denied coverage.
Cons of COBRA
If your firm cancels their plan or ceases its operations, this will make you lose your coverage.
Why You Should Hire a Lawyer When Your Rights as an Employee are Violated
If you feel your COBRA insurance coverage rights are being violated such as your employer making changes that are likely to make you lose the coverage, it is vital you consider employing an attorney. Lawyers at UELG i.e. United Employment Law Group will represent you in court when the need arises and ensure they handle all the activities involved in your matter till you emerge a victor in your case of concern.
Our law firm UELG has well- trained lawyers and thus qualified to deliver great solutions when helping employees that feel uncomfortable with the decisions of their employers.
Bottom Line
For more details about COBRA or how you can connect with us when the need arises, kindly make sure you call us soon for a consultation and quote on the services we offer.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock/S_L