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]]>A 401k savings plan, often referred to as only 401k, represents a retirement savings plan that is provided to an employee by their employers. Basically, this plan allows the employees to save and then invest a small part of their paycheck before the government owned taxes are deducted from it. With the 401k plan, the same taxes are paid only when the funds saved are withdrawn from the savings account.
Where Did 401k’s Come From?
To fully understand this overview of 401k plan, it is important to understand the plan’s name. It comes from the section in of the tax code that was designed to govern them and which came about in the 1980s with the purpose of providing a supplement to the employees’ pension.
During this period, the cost of running pensions skyrocketed, which is why employers started looking for an alternative. Today, many of those who work on a job that comes with a strong union if they have a government position, they are still most likely eligible for a pension. But, for practically all others, the 401k plan has been introduced as a replacement to pensions.
With it, the employees have a degree of control how their money is being invested. Most plans do this by spreading out the money through funds that include bonds, stock, and market investment.
One of the most used forms of investment are the target-date funds, which are a combination of bonds and stocks that that gradually become more and more conservative as an employee comes nearer their retirement. At the same time, every overview of 401k has to acknowledge that these plans come with many restrictions.
For most of them, getting to the employer’s contribution will not come immediately. Companies usually ask for a certain period of continuous employment before employees can gain access to a 401k plan.
There are also insurance clauses against the prospect of the employee leaving before a certain time period. Also, there are rules that govern when and how an employee can withdraw money and what are the penalties that come with these withdrawals.
When it comes to the process of overseeing the accounts, employers usually decide to hire outside administrators who also assist employees with their individual plans. An important part of the overview of 401k plan is the issue of how much should be put into it.
How to Utilize Your 401k
The general idea is to pay into it as much as possible, but the most widely used amount is 3% of the employee’s salary. There is a simple reason for this fact: any amount being paid into the plan is then matched by the company, but in most cases, this is true only as long as the payments do not go over 3%.
At the same time, the IRS also mandates the limits of the 401k plan contribution. As of 2008, the maximal amount that can be paid is $15,500, which goes to $20,500 for persons older than 49 years.
These savings plans can have a beneficiary who inherits the money in the case of the passing of the employee.
Lastly, for this overview of 401k, it is important to know that these savings plans are secured against any financial problem of a company include the alternative of its going bankrupt. Even in this scenario, the savings plan should stay secure and will not be terminated.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock/wavebreakmedia
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]]>The post Setting Up a 401K Plan appeared first on UELG.
]]>A 401k plan is a type of retirement plan that an employer can set up in order to help their employees to prepare for retirement. Employees can decide to participate in the plan by making regular contributions. Contributions will then be deducted from their earnings prior to taxation and may be matched by employer contributions. The participant chooses, from a selection of different options, how they want their money to be invested. Once the participant leaves work, they will be able to withdraw money from their 401k plan in order to fund their retirement.
This initial step in the establishment of a 401k retirement plan is the choice of the right type of plan. Sole proprietorships can select a solo 401k. Small businesses can choose a SIMPLE 401k. Businesses that want to avoid discrimination testing can establish a Safe Harbor 401k plan. There are also the regular 401k plans.
Employers will usually also need to choose a professional plan provider. A written plan will also be constructed, which will specify the management of the plan. Employers will need to decide which investment options they wish to offer their employees and they will also have to make a decision about whether they are going to match participant’s contributions. A trust will be established in order to take control of the investments.
An employer who is establishing a 401k retirement plan will also need to consider the administrative and record keeping aspects of managing the plan. It is essential for proper records of contributions and withdrawals to be kept.
Another important consideration when establishing a 401k retirement plan is the education of the employees who will be given the opportunity to participate in it. Employers are responsible for making sure that their employees are properly educated. The plan provider will be able to assist with this, by offering various forms of advice and educational materials. It is important to encourage employees to participate in the plan since discrimination testing will usually be necessary. This testing ensures that there is a balance between the contributions made by the higher and lower-earning participants. How To Set Up A 401k Plan
It is usually fairly simple to establish a 401k retirement plan, and most employers find the process relatively quick. As soon as a plan provider has been selected, it is possible to take advantage of their help and advice in order to establish a successful plan. The provider can help the employer to choose the right 401k plan and investments.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Imagentle
The post Setting Up a 401K Plan appeared first on UELG.